Matter of Application of The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority

Supreme Court of Oklahoma - December 13, 2016 - P.3d - 2016 WL 7212488 - 2016 OK 124

Oklahoma Turnpike Authority applied to the Supreme Court for approval of an issuance of bonds for four turnpike construction projects. Protestant filed objection to the application.

The Supreme Court of Oklahoma held that statute providing funding for four projects under one bond issue did not violate single subject rule.

Bonds requested by Oklahoma Turnpike Authority to finance four turnpike construction projects all related to the construction and/or improvement of turnpikes, and therefore, statute providing funding for the four projects under one bond issue did not violate single subject rule contained in the state constitution. Authority had the express legislative authority to issue bonds for turnpike projects and to combine multiple projects for purposing of issuing bonds.

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