Credit Focus: State Revenue Scoreboard - CA, MA, MO, AR, GA, MS

This Credit Focus is part of Court Street Group’s Perspective. A PDF of the full report is available here.

Disclosure of Revenues a Credit Positive

It seems that the states are realizing that more regular and timely disclosure of state revenues can have a beneficial impact in supporting their debt both during and after the marketing for their bonds. They seem to be realizing the municipal analysis is moving in a more quantitative direction all the time and that data is the key to this analysis. The demand for information — historically available to a limited number of inside government players — is bolstered by a more information savvy generation of analysts and investors as well as the ability of states to disseminate data through the internet that satisfies any regulatory concerns. As a result, the availability of such information expands constantly.

As as a result, we are able to comment on current state revenue results like the following:

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by Joseph Krist

Posted 10/13/2017

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