Refresh Your Knowledge of MSRB Gift-Giving Restrictions.

This holiday season, make sure you are aware of limitations on gifts or gratuities in relation to municipal securities or municipal advisory activities by exploring the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s MuniEdPro® course, Gifts, Gratuities, Non-Cash Compensation and Expenses of Issuance: MSRB Rule G-20.

The course uses common scenarios to illustrate compliance with limitations and exclusions on the value of gifts and gratuities that regulated entities and their associated persons can give to officials of a bond issuer. The course also addresses restrictions related to expenses of issuance.

At the end of the course, the learner will be able to:

Dealer and municipal advisor firms: enhance your firm’s compliance program by offering your municipal finance professionals access to all MuniEdPro® courses at the discounted rate of $100 per person. The discounted rate, which is available through December 31, 2017, is a $270 value per person, saving firms over 60 percent on the course catalog.

For more information about MuniEdPro® or to inquire about subscription options, contact Ritta McLaughlin at [email protected] or 202-838-1306.

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