Michigan Gun Owners, Inc. v. Ann Arbor Public Schools

Supreme Court of Michigan - July 27, 2018 - N.W.2d - 2018 WL 3614337

Gun owners association and holder of concealed pistol license brought actions challenging school district’s policy banning possession of firearms in schools and at school-sponsored events.

In one action, the Circuit Court granted district’s motion for summary disposition. In second action, the Circuit Court granted summary disposition to plaintiffs. Plaintiffs appealed. The Court of Appeals affirmed in former case, and the Court of Appeals reversed in latter case. Plaintiffs sought leave to appeal.

In lieu of granting leave to appeal, the Supreme Court of Michigan held that state statutes excluding school districts from an otherwise precise list of “local units of government” which were prohibited from regulating firearms resulted in school district regulation of firearms not being field-preempted; overruling Mich. Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners, 256 Mich. App. 401, 662 N.W.2d 864.

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