Detzner v. League of Women Voters of Florida

Supreme Court of Florida - October 15, 2018 - So.3d - 2018 WL 5075253

Challengers sought to enjoin placement of proposed constitutional amendment regarding jurisdiction of school districts on ballot.

The Circuit Court granted summary judgment to challengers. Secretary of State appealed. The District Court of Appeal, First District, certified case as one of great public importance.

The Supreme Court of Florida held that ballot title and summary of proposed constitutional amendment were defective.

Ballot title and summary of proposed constitutional amendment providing that school board would operate, control, and supervise all free public schools established by district board within school district did not include clear statement of chief purpose of revision and failed to inform voters of its true meaning and ramifications; summary did not explain who or what, other than district school boards, currently had authority to establish public schools, which categories of public schools would be affected, and who or what would have authority to establish future public schools, and summary failed to explain which public schools or categories of public schools would be affected.

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