Davis v. Detroit Public Schools Community District

United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit - August 9, 2018 - 899 F.3d 437 - 357 Ed. Law Rep. 66

Sports arena opponents brought action seeking declaratory judgment and mandamus relief alleging that school board had authority and obligation to place on next city election ballot question asking city voters to approve or disapprove of certain tax expenditures.

The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan dismissed claims, and entered partial final judgment. Opponents appealed.

The Court of Appeals held that opponents lacked standing to seek declaratory and mandamus relief.

Opponents of public financing for construction of sports arena lacked standing to seek declaratory and mandamus relief to require school board to place on next city election ballot question asking city voters to approve or disapprove of tax increment finance entities’ use of property tax revenue intended for school operating purposes to finance sports arena, where opponents were not affected by school board’s decision in any personal and individual way, and school board’s failure to place tax question on ballot affected all city voters equally.

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