Risky Business: As Some Major Contractors Pull Back from P3s, Others Embrace the Approach

Most public-private partnership contracts are for design-build, fixed-budget, fixed-schedule work that Skanska, Fluor and others say is just too risky to guarantee profit.

When President Donald Trump announced his campaign pledge to upgrade the country’s infrastructure, he endorsed public-private partnerships (P3s) as a way to help finance and build the $1 trillion worth of projects subject to his proposal.

He said he would leverage the power of P3s to turn $200 billion of public dollars into $1 trillion of investment, refurbishing crumbling infrastructure without emptying public coffers.

But just a year later, he had soured on the idea, telling a group of legislators in 2017 that private financing of public infrastructure isn’t likely to work and that P3s are “more trouble than they’re worth.”

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Construction Dive

by Jenn Goodman

Oct. 25, 2019

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