The Bond Buyer's Financing Municipal Utilities Symposium - May 16-17, 2013 - Houston, TX

Municipal water, wastewater, and power utilities’ overstressed infrastructure are in the spotlight, as policy makers look for ways to close yawning gaps between their capital-investment needs and the revenues already identified to fund them.

Hurricane Sandy cast a harsh spotlight on the fragility of the nation’s utility grids, even in the nation’s most populous areas. But the shortcomings were no surprise to insiders: if current trends persist over the next five years, capital investment in water and wastewater systems will fall short of the needs by $109 billion, and power-grid spending will fall $25 billion short, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Meanwhile, state and local policy makers are increasingly looking to their utilities — and their independent revenue streams — to help advance energy-efficiency and renewable energy goals despite the continued stress on local government budgets from the struggling national economy.


The Bond Buyer’s inaugural Municipal Utilities Conference will address these pressing issues, and bring together the state and local leaders who are at the forefront of designing solutions. Join us in Houston, May 16-17, at the Hilton Americas-Houston, to learn:


Issuers & Public Power Employees ONLY $95, Institutional Investors $395, and All Other Professionals $895. Register today or contact Dan Tina at (800) 803-5797.

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