Pay for Success Project Assessment Tool.


The PFS Project Assessment Tool (PAT) helps people answer a fundamental question: What makes for a strong PFS project? It describes core elements of PFS projects, explains why those elements are important, provides a scoring system to help distinguish the strengths and weaknesses of a proposed project, and generates recommendations for improving those weak areas. The PAT is designed for individuals, governments, and organizations working through PFS projects or, even earlier on, simply considering engagement with PFS. Broadly termed “stakeholders”, PAT users include government officials and advisors, public agency leadership, program managers, service providers, and others who are interested in learning whether PFS might work for their community. Completing the PAT also helps build the business case for a proposed project if that project scores well in each area.

Download the full report.

The Urban Institute

by Justin Milner, Matthew Eldridge, Kelly Walsh, and John Roman

November 3, 2016

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