The Future of the Great Lakes Region: Urban Institute Report


The Great Lakes region—home to 50 million people in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin—has become a fixture in our national political discourse. Many of the country’s social, economic, and political challenges are being played out here.

Despite a decade of job loss, demographic shifts, and falling household incomes, evidence suggests the area has strong foundations capable of sustaining future growth and prosperity. By building on these strengths, the Great Lakes region can rewrite its Rust Belt narrative as a story of resurgence.

Outlined below are key findings from the Urban Institute report The Future of the Great Lakes Region, which offers a glimpse into the region’s past and future challenges and promise. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of recent economic, demographic, and social trends in the region, coupled with projections on how those trends will play out between now and 2040.

Manufacturing collapse, but steady population and economic growth

Challenges and promise

Toward future prosperity

To improve the quality of life and economic mobility for Great Lakes residents, decisionmakers should

Read the full report.

The Urban Institute

by Rolf Pendall, Erika C. Poethig, Mark Treskon & Emily Blumenthal

March 23, 2017

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