SIFMA 2019 Outlook: Trends in the Capital Markets


Efficient capital markets are essential to a vibrant economy. By driving capital and credit to the best ideas and enterprises, they propel them and our country forward.

The global financial system has adopted an unprecedented volume of new regulations since the crisis, affecting everything from market structure to capital standards. As we look to 2019 and beyond, now is the time to ask, what reforms are working? Which would benefit from harmonization? What new risks have arisen? How do we make sure institutions can provide capital and credit to the economy?

SIFMA convenes hundreds of broker-dealers, investment banks and asset managers, representing one million industry employees across the nation. Together, we are invested in America, serving clients large and small. This report contains our insights into how markets performed, viewpoints on critical policy issues and several helpful resources.

What’s Inside

Market Insights:

Policy Viewpoints:

About SIFMA:


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