COVID's Impact on Opportunity Zone Funds May Surprise You.

It seems no industry has remained unscathed or unaffected by the coronavirus pandemic up to this point. As some industries thrive others are devastated, leaving participating investors in opportunity zones wondering how their investments and funds may be impacted.

Opportunity zones (OZs) are designated census tracts that were created as a part of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) and offer major tax benefits to participating investors that redirected capital into an opportunity zone fund (OZF) established for the development of new business, real estate, or expansion of established businesses in an opportunity zone.

OZs aren’t hit as hard as you may have thought

Considering that opportunity zones are 8,700 of the most rural or low-income census tracts across the United States, concern over the performance of these funds as well as their ability to execute their initial projects is understandable. The Economic Innovation Group (EIG) conducted a national study in June in which 52% of the respondents stated they have been negatively impacted by the coronavirus in some way.

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The Motley Fool

Jul 27, 2020 by Liz Brumer

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