The Bondholder Committee on Behalf of the Owners of Quad Cities Regional Economic Development Authority First Mortgage Revenue Bonds Series 2013A v. Sauk Valley Student Housing, LLC

United States District Court, D. New Jersey - October 9, 2020 - Slip Copy - 2020 WL 5995617

Plaintiff bondholders filed suit alleging that Indenture Trustee BOK Financial (BOKF) breached its contract with and fiduciary duties to bondholders by failing to take necessary actions to secure payment on the bonds and failing to obtain required financial disclosures from the legal entities controlling the underlying student housing project.

Bondholders also brought claims against BMOC, a company that both manages and provides residential life services to student housing facilities. Bondholders alleged that BMOC contributed to three misleading documents that were ultimately incorporated into the materials used to market the bonds.

BOKF moved to dismiss.

The District Court held that:



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