Hassan v. GCA Production Services, Inc.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 1 - April 5, 2021 - P.3d - 2021 WL 1247949

Employees brought action against employer, a contractor that shuttled rental car company’s vehicles to and from company’s airport location, alleging that employer was a transportation employer subject to city ordinance that required transportation employers to pay their employees $15-per-hour minimum wage.

The Superior Court entered summary judgment for employer. Employees appealed.

The Court of Appeals held that defendant was not a “transportation employer” and therefore was not subject to ordinance’s $15-per-hour minimum wage requirement.

Contractor that shuttled rental car company’s vehicles to and from its airport location was not a “transportation employer” within meaning of city ordinance that required transportation employers, including those that provided or operated rental car services, to pay workers a $15 per hour minimum wage, and thus, it was not subject to the ordinance’s minimum wage requirements, because contractor did not supply individuals with possession and enjoyment of cars in exchange for payments.

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