Historic Alexandria Foundation v. City of Alexandria

Supreme Court of Virginia - May 27, 2021 - S.E.2d - 2021 WL 2149459

Historic preservation group brought action challenging city’s approval of landowner’s applications for permits for the renovation of a historic property in city’s old and historic district.

The Alexandria Circuit Court sustained city’s demurrers and dismissed the challenge, and preservation group appealed.

The Supreme Court held that group did not suffer particularized harm and thus lacked standing.

Historic preservation group lacked standing to challenge city’s approval of landowner’s permits to renovate historic property in city’s old and historic district, as, even assuming that renovation would compromise the integrity of the historic residence located on the property and would diminish the protected open space on the property, the resulting harm would be shared by the public generally, and the group did not suffer any particularized harm; group’s interest in the preservation of historic buildings did not give it standing to challenge the city’s decision.

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