Keynote Speaker: Sergio Rebelo, MUFG Bank Distinguished Professor of International Finance at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Moderator: Nicole Byrd, Senior Investment Professional, Nationwide Insurance
This webinar will open the NFMA’s Winter Advanced Webinar Series, with the theme, “Assessing the New Normal in a Post-Covid World”. Professor Rebelo will discuss the impact that large, ongoing structural transformations in the U.S. economy will have on U.S. cities. These transformations include the polarization of consumer demand into value and luxury, the emergence of remote work as an important part of the work landscape, the digital transformation of the service sector, and climate change.
To register, click here. This event is a benefit of NFMA membership, and non-members may attend for a registration fee of $100. As with all Advanced Webinars and Seminars, no press permitted.