Fitch: ESG Relevance Limited for Most US Public Finance Ratings

Fitch Ratings-New York-16 May 2022: A small portion, 7%, of US public finance ratings (USPF) are affected by environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations, Fitch Ratings says. Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores (ESG.RS) communicate the extent to which ESG factors affect ratings but do not provide commentary on the ESG practices or qualities of issuers. ESG factors are manageable for most USPF issuers. Fitch’s report Where ESG Matters for U.S. Public Finance reviews 12 case studies that illustrate how ESG issues can affect ratings and highlights current ESG focus areas, including issuer disclosure, the transition to a lower-carbon economy and cybersecurity.

Governance is the most important factor, on a singular basis, assessed to have a medium or high relevance for 3% of issuer ratings. This reflects the influence of governance structure and effectiveness, policy formation, and financial performance on credit quality.

Social factors have become more prominent with the assignment of ESG.RS in the community development and social lending (CDSL) sector, conveying the positive rating effect for certain credits of federal agencies’ support of housing agencies and the negative effects of unsafe environmental conditions among some housing providers. Overall, social factors influence 2% of Fitch’s USPF ratings.

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