The Inflation Reduction Act: How Will its Provisions Impact Offshore Wind Development? - Day Pitney

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA or the act) was signed into law on August 16, 2022. Among the hundreds of pages of this legislation, the IRA contains some significant provisions geared toward the development of clean energy, including from offshore wind. In this advisory, we focus on four main areas of the IRA that could impact the development of offshore wind: (1) planning for the transmission infrastructure needed for the development of offshore wind; (2) support for state siting and other permitting authorities to do their review and approval work in siting offshore wind transmission, including through potentially more certainty in the timing of such approvals; (3) expansion of the potential lease areas for offshore wind offered by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM); and (4) beneficial changes to the tax credits available for renewable energy developers, including offshore wind developers.

Regional transmission planning: funding to study transmission solutions

Part 5 of the IRA relates to electric transmission. In particular, §§ 50152 and 50153 provide funding in various forms for activities related to the development of offshore wind transmission. Section 50153 specifically appropriates $100 million for expenses associated with planning, modeling and analysis regarding interregional electric transmission and, particularly, transmission of electricity generated by offshore wind. The studies conducted pursuant to § 50153(b)(2) must specifically take into account the local, regional, and national economic, reliability, resilience, security, public policy and environmental benefits of, among other things, transmission of electricity generated by offshore wind.

Potential impact: The issuance of funds to convene stakeholders to discuss interregional and offshore wind transmission and perform studies on interregional and offshore wind transmission planning could move needed transmission infrastructure development forward. This initiative will dovetail with efforts already underway at the state level, with the Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators, and at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to plan and build the transmission needed to support the clean energy grid. These efforts, collectively, could significantly improve the ability of the large amounts of offshore wind generation being developed to be interconnected and transmitted to populous load centers.

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Day Pitney Advisory

Day Pitney Co-author(s) Paul N. Belval, Eric K. Runge, Margaret Czepiel

August 30, 2022

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