State Budget Processes Spotlight: New NASBO Issue Brief on Spending Federal Funds

In an issue brief released today entitled State Budget Processes & Spending Federal Funds, NASBO describes the various nuances around states’ and territories’ legislative session and budget calendars, how they appropriate and spend federal funds, how they handle unanticipated funding – especially outside of legislative session, and recent changes to these processes in some states in response to the pandemic. States are better positioned to meet goals for federally-funded programs when federal granting agencies consider these aspects of their budget processes as they issue program guidance and set deadlines. While there is variation across the states, the following general statements summarize certain key relevant aspects, further detailed in the issue brief:

The Calendar

Authorizing the Use of Federal Funds

For more state-by-state comparative information and details on budget processes, see NASBO’s Budget Processes in the States report.

By Kathryn White

National Association of State Budget Officers

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