Today, the Bond Dealers of America – Washington DC’s only dedicated Fixed Income Advocate – is pleased to announce the creation of the Fixed Income Technology Clearinghouse intended to help US focused bond dealers navigate their technology and back-office options including costs and deliverables.
The Fixed Income Technology Clearinghouse will bring together professionals at BDA full member firms with responsibility for and focus on technology decisions and adoption.
This group will be managed by BDA staff working alongside outside consultant Stephen Winterstein of SP Winterstein & Associates LLC, a long-time municipal market leader, previously as Head of Capital Markets at Alphaledger and as the Head of Municipal Fixed Income at MarketAxess.
To bring together fixed-income market leaders to address the most pressing fixed income technology issues of the day. Providing a platform to help facilitate solutions to technology and back office or operational challenges being faced by securities firms and banks active in the US bond markets.
Whether having a conversation with a vendor about issues with an existing product, or proposing a new idea, this group provides BDA members a forum to discuss issues, while working with industry professionals to identify and implement proper solutions.
The Fixed Income Technology Clearinghouse will also work with regulators where the membership sees fit, providing additional opportunities with dialogue with the MSRB, FINRA, and SEC to help direct and better inform the respective staffs.
The main objectives of the Clearinghouse include:
- To collaborate and develop ideas to improve existing vendor products, or present new ideas
- Provide a unified voice and solutions to regulators on key issues such as the Financial Data Transparency Act and one-minute trade reporting
- Hold an annual Roundtable to discuss key technology topics and assist in drafting the agenda for key BDA events such as the NFIC to ensure proper topics are incorporated.
The BDA’s Fixed Income Technology Clearinghouse will have cross-product representation from all BDA full member firms that wish to participate. Each full member interested in participating would select a delegate to represent them within the group.
We will also work to ensure BDA associate members are engaged while finding parity in representation from both the municipal and taxable markets and in sizes of firms.
If you or your firm is interested in participating in the BDA Fixed Income Technology Clearinghouse, please contact Mike Nicholas at [email protected].
Bond Dealers of America
August 3, 2023