Overview of a Bond Issuance: GFOA eLearning Course

August 15, 16, 17 2023 | 1-4 p.m. ET

Governmental entities have been using debt for over 200 years to fund public infrastructure such as government buildings, water distribution systems, schools, police stations, and many other projects that require significant capital investment.

Debt issuance is a significant undertaking for governments, whether an entity frequently or infrequently issues debt. This includes engaging in a great deal of work prior to the transaction and ongoing for the lifetime of the bond. Issuers must manage the financing, make decisions about the structure and type of debt being issued, understand market conditions and the timing of the issuance, select and manage a number of external professionals during this process, and execute all post issuance debt management requirements. This course will provide an overview of the debt issuance process and explain the obligations finance officers must address when taking on a bond issuance, with a focus on GFOA’s best practices as guidance.

Who Will Benefit: CFO/Finance Director, Controller, Budget Manager, Treasurer, Debt Manager

Learning Objectives:

Those who successfully complete this seminar should be able to:

Member Price: $315.00
Non-member Price: $630.00


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