“Banks should act like banks, not like political activists that are hostile to our state, our citizens, and our economy.” Those are the words of Ken Paxton, the attorney general for the State of Texas. If only Paxton would abide a variation of his advice for banks, whereby Republicans would act like Republicans, and not act in hostile fashion toward businesses that operate in the state of Texas. Alas, Paxton isn’t abiding the proposed variation.
Instead, he’s supported legislation in the Lone Star State dating back to 2021 that disallows governmental bodies in Texas from doing business with financial institutions seen as hostile toward or taking a stand against firearms or fossil fuels. Put another way, Paxton and other Texas pols are using swagger not their own to bully financial institutions operating within Texas to do the kind of business they think they should do.
Up front, politicians harassing businesses isn’t a huge surprise. That’s the way of things, or frequently the way of things among Democrats. Except that Paxton et al are yet again Republicans. Which lends the story a man-bites-dog quality. Republicans don’t do this, do they?
by John Tamny
May 21, 2024