S&P: U.S. Public Finance Annual Reviews Processed

This publication does not constitute a rating action.

S&P Global Ratings has performed annual reviews of the credit ratings of the issuers/issues listed below.

In an annual review, S&P Global Ratings reviews current credit ratings against the latest issuers/issues performance data as well as any recent market developments. Annual reviews may, depending on their outcome, result in a referral of a credit rating for a committee review, which may result in a credit rating action. The below list is not an indication of whether or not a credit rating action is likely in the near future.

The key elements underlying the credit rating can be found in the issuer’s latest related publication, which can be accessed by clicking on links below. Additionally, for each issuers/issues listed below, S&P Global Rating’s regulatory disclosures (PCRs) can be accessed on the relevant page on www.spglobal.com/ratings by clicking on Regulatory Disclosures underneath the current credit ratings.

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