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Testimony on the Status of the Highway Trust Fund and Options for Financing Highway Spending.
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Financial Accounting Foundation Issues 2013 Annual Report.
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GFOA: Tips on Creating a Budget Document that Communicates with Stakeholders.
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Detroit Files New Debt Plan.
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Nossaman Posts Draft Model P3 Legislation for Public Buildings and Invites Comments.
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Bond Insurance Then & Now: The Revival of an Industry.
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Detroit Strikes Tentative 5-Year Deal with 14 Unions in Bankruptcy Case.
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Pension Reporting Change Has Jurisdictions Reviewing their Funding Policies.
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BondUnderwriter Rolls Out New Issue Muni Bond Platform for Individual Investors.
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Moody’s: First-Quarter 2014 US Public Finance Rating Revisions in Line with Improving Credit Conditions.
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Muni Commentary – Where’s the Infrastructure Volume?
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WSJ: A Discount on Muni Funds.
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WSJ: Investors Embrace ‘Catastrophe Bonds.’
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S&P: Why Local Economies Have a Greater Credit Impact on Local Governments than on U.S. Public Housing.
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S&P: U.S. Bond Insurers and the Financial Guarantee Sector Stand at a Crossroads.
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Deloitte: U.S. Renewable M&A Sees Warming Trend.
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Atlanta’s Teacher Pension Gamble.
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Bankrupt California City Fighting for Right to Withhold Pension Payments.
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Report of the City of Lincoln Park Financial Review Team.
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2 Philly Firms Vie for Top U.S. Bankruptcy Deal.
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About That TIAA-CREF Deal.
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L.A. Spends 30% More on Wall Street Fees than Streets, and That’s Just Half the Story.
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TIAA-CREF to Buy Nuveen Investments for $6.25 Bln.
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Municipal Bond Mark-Ups: Measuring ‘Reasonable’
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Mintz Levin: SEC Steps Up Scrutiny of Municipal Bonds: Recently Filed Enforcement Actions.
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Bloomberg: Detroit Seeks Creditor Votes With ‘Divide and Conquer.’
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Local Governments Expand Incentive Programs for Technology Companies.
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GASB Issues Concepts Statement on Measurement of Assets and Liabilities.
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NYT: Pensioners in Detroit Rejoice, Though Deal Is Far From Done.
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Rhode Island’s Pension Battle Heads to Court.
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Detroit Pension Deal Inches City Closer to Bankruptcy Exit.
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Are Michigan’s Municipal Finance Problems Spreading?
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Public Pensions and the Lessons of Success.
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Pension Obligation Bonds – Beware of Quick Fixes.
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NYT: Bankruptcy Beyond the Potholes.
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Fitch: Detroit Plan Shows ULT Pledge Has Adequate Protection.
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Fitch: Chicago’s Plan Slow to Improve Pensions.
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WSJ: Big Hedge Funds Roll Dice on Puerto Rico Debt.
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Judge Approves Pact to End Detroit Swap Deal.
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Innovative Transportation Funding.
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Chicago Mayor Changes Pension Plan.
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Md. Lawmakers Pass Bill to Block Use of Eminent Domain for 2 Years.
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Moody’s: Public Pension Plans Lag Corporate Plans in Managing Credit Risk.
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City Should Have Turned to TIFs Instead of Property Tax Hikes: Study.
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Detroit’s Orr Explains Bondholders’ 74% Recovery: Five Questions.
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Atlanta Stadium for Falcons Prompts Bond Fight.
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Parking Lots Transformed as U.S. Cities Seek More Revenue.
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Moody’s: Moving Retirees to Exchanges Not Easy Option for Cities Looking to Lessen Healthcare Burden.
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Detroit Settlement A Breakthrough.
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Detroit’s New Bankruptcy Plan Proposes Lower Pension, Creditor Payouts.
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Citi Top Muni Bond Underwriter in First-Quarter Amid Lagging Supply.
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Gross Joins Bond Investors in North Las Vegas Crosshairs.
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US CFTC Pledges Swaps Relief for Public Utilities.
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Pennsylvania Schools Shun Debt Amid Austerity Push: Muni Credit.
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Moody’s Requests Comments on Proposed Changes to Rating US Housing Finance Agencies.
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MBIA Muni Wraps Upgraded: BTIG Says Reuters Misses the Point.
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Puerto Rico to Detroit Buoyed by Insurance Comeback: Muni Credit.
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Moody’s: Three risks reduce credit positives of Affordable Care Act for not-for-profit hospitals
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Partnerships Unlock the Door to Progress in the Twin Cities: The Central Corridor Light Rail Project.
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WSJ: Detroit Seeks Proposals to Privatize Its Water System.
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WSJ: Pension Funds Join in Fee Pushback.
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GASB Declines to Delay Implementation Date of Pension Standards.
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S&P: Alternative Financing: Disclosure Is Critical To Credit Analysis In Public Finance.
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The Time May Have Arrived for Online Sales Tax Fairness.
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Solving the Equation for Disruption to the U.S. Electric Power Industry – a New Deloitte Report.
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S&P: Federal Programs And Interest Rates Should Keep U.S. Municipal Housing Stable.
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Phoenix Votes to Keep ‘Spiking’ Police Pensions.
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Detroit Seeking Municipal Finance Expert to Assess Bankruptcy Exit Plan.
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Local Officials Get Info on “Public Bank” Concept.
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Lipper Winners Answer the Muni Bond Riddle.
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Bill Would Exempt Water PABs from State Volume Caps.
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Mayors Rally to Defend Block Grant Funding.
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Wisconsin Utilizes Delayed Draw Term Loan.
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Boulder Council Approves Use of Negotiated Bond Sales for Open Space.
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Arizona’s Pension Trust Sued After Refusing to Disclose Subpoena.
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Rhode Island’s Winding Road to Serious Pension Reform.
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SEC Said Examining Hidden Electronic Bond Trading Prices.
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California Passage of Tax Measures Growing, Analyst Says.
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Wisconsin Lured by Debt Paydown Readies Asset Sales: Muni Credit.
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Bond Insurer Seeks to Challenge Detroit Suit.
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Bond Insurer Files Suit Against Detroit in Setback for Bankruptcy Plan.
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NYT: Determining the Markup on Municipal Bonds.
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Determining the Markup on Municipal Bonds.
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WSJ: Massachusetts Streamlines Bond Sales for Smaller Investors.
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WSJ: How Retail Bond Investors Can Get Info the Pros Won’t Share.
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Moody’s: Detroit GO Litigation Unlikely to Have National Legal Implications for GO Debt.
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BDA Commentary: A Wrong-Headed Approach to Addressing the Nation’s Infrastructure Needs.
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Let’s Agree to Disagree.
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Rate Risk Makes Banks Keep Powder Dry.
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Muni Bond Fund Rebound Appears to Have Legs.
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Detroit’s Retiree Committee to Be Protected from Lawsuits in Bankruptcy Case.
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Chicago Credits Outreach for Strong Showing on GO Issue.
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Safeguard for Michigan Bond Market Up in Air.
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When Pension Pain Signals Bigger Ills: Three Symptoms to Look For.
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Bad Fiscal Reputation Hikes Rates on Illinois Bonds-Study.
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S&P: Despite Higher Delinquency Rates, Ratings On U.S. Housing Finance Agencies Aren’t Likely To Suffer.
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GASB Toolkit Helps State and Local Governments Implement New Pension Standards.
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Muni Bond Costs Hit Investors in Wallet.
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BDA Analysis of White House Budget Proposal.
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GFOA Board-Approved Best Practices – February 28, 2014.
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Bloomberg: Moody’s Seeks Comments on Approach to Rating Rental-Home Bonds.
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Moody’s: U.S. State and Local Governments Increasingly Rely on Medicare to Lower OPEB Costs.
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Chicago’s Credit Rating Takes Major Hit Over Unfunded Pensions.
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Muni Market Shrinks; Bank Muni Holdings Rise.
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CBO Testimony on Public-Private Partnerships for Highway Projects.
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Largest LBO Puts Energy Future-Backed Bonds at Risk: Muni Credit.
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Charles Schwab and J.P. Morgan Extend Agreement Giving Schwab Clients Access to Municipal and Corporate Bond Issues.
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Puerto Rico ‘Alternative’ Investors to Square Off Against Retail Investors.
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Bloomberg: Some New Bond Funds Take in Big Bucks.
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GASB Proposes New GAAP Hierarchy for State and Local Governments and Exposes Entire Implementation Guide for Public Comment.
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Bankrupt Cities? What About Distressed Cities?
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Drop in Smoking Threatens Embattled Tobacco Bonds.
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Fitch Ratings: Detroit Debt Adjustment Plan ‘Hostile’ to Bondholders.
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Detroit Bankruptcy Prods Cities to Target Pensions: Muni Credit.
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More M&A Seen Among Underwriters as Costs Increase.
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CUSIP: U.S. Corporates Poised for Growth, Munis in Decline, International Corporates Mixed.
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Head Muni Salesman at Goldman to Join Hedge Fund.
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Puerto Rico Is Outlier for Wealthy Fleeing Tax Hit: Muni Credit.
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The Future of Financing Infrastructure.
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WSJ: Creditor Objects to Stockton, Calif., Bankruptcy Plan.
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U.S. Muni Bond Sales to Climb to $5.16 bln Next Week.
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Muni Market Blasts Detroit Debt Plan.
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CNBC: Dozens of States, Cities Coping with Bad Bond Bets.
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WSJ: S&P Calls for More Disclosure of Municipal Bank Loans.
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Moody’s Sees Detroit COPs Repudiation as Isolated.
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Moody’s: Detroit’s Attempted COPS Repudiation an Extreme Act.
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Bankruptcy Exit Plan Explores Collecting Taxes from Residents Working Outside Detroit.
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Court’s Pension Ruling Could Cost Arizona Taxpayers Millions.
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Jacksonville Seeking Utility Payments to Avoid Cut: Muni Credit.
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Detroit Lawyers: 3rd Swaps Settlement Plan Coming Soon; General Obligation Bonds not Secured.
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GASB: Stakeholder Focus: Maximizing the Value of MD&A.
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Federal Funding Confusion Leads Moody’s to Cut Highway Bonds.
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California Cities Strained by Retiree Health: Muni Credit.
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ACA Taking Toll on Local Governments.
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Bloomberg: Detroit Files Plan to Resolve $18 Billion Bankruptcy.
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Bloomberg: New Detroit Bankruptcy Plan in the Hands of Creditors.
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Senate Finance Bill 1957 Would Establish American Infrastructure Fund.
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The Daunting Costs of Municipal Bankruptcy.
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NYT: Preparing for Disaster by Betting Against It.
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Detroit Bankruptcy Bond Fight a Watershed for Municipal Market.
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Superdowngrades: It Could Happen to You.
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Bill Would Make BAB Program Permanent, Repeal the AMT on PABs.
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Saving Taxpayer Dollars is an Award-Winning Strategy for the City of Orlando.
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The Promise and Potential of Social Impact Bonds.
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Finance 101 Glossary.
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Financial Illiteracy: One of Government’s Biggest and Least-Discussed Problems.
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How a Transit Workers’ Pension Plan Jumped the Tracks.
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How Accountability and Transparency Are Improving Public Finance.
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NYT: Detroit Turns Bankruptcy into Challenge of Banks.
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U.S. Cities Criticize Treatment of Munis in Bank Liquidity Plan.
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Moody’s: California Drought Declaration Will Weaken Credit Quality of Local Water Agencies.
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Public Finance Network Weighs in on Liquidity Coverage Ratio: Liquidity Risk Measurement, Standards and Monitoring Federal Reserve System.
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GASB Issues Guidance for Implementing Pension Standards.
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Fitch Takes Various Rating Actions on Enhanced Municipal Bonds and TOBs.
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Arizona County Sees Cash in Louisiana Prison Bonds: Bloomberg Muni Credit.
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Moody’s: Adjusted Pension Liabilities for US States Increase in FY 2012, Possibly Reach Cyclical Peak.
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FASB, IASB Consider Changes and Cost Relief for Leasing Model.
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A Cost-Effective Way to Rebuild 500 Bridges.
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Moody’s: 2013 US Public Finance Rating Revisions Suggest Stabilizing Credit Conditions for Most Sectors.
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Fitch: Proposed HQLA Rules May Affect Muni Market Liquidity.
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How Marijuana Munis Could Save the States.
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Where Do Taxpayers Have Highest Total Unfunded Pension Liability?
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EO Training Materials Suggest 51 Percent Threshold for Social Welfare Activity.
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Munis Demand Higher and Ratios Richer in 2014, Loop Capital Markets Says.
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FASB Issues Guidance for Housing Tax Credit Investments.
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U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Illinois Mandatory Union Dues Case.
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Moody’s Places 256 US Local Government General Obligation Ratings under Review in Conjunction with Updated Methodology.
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Free Employee Benefits Webinar by the IRS office of Federal, State and Local Governments.
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S&P: A Bumpy Road Lies Ahead For U.S. Public Pension Funded Levels.
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A Not-So-Public Pension’s Disappearing Money.
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California Leads Surpluses Making States Into Haven: Bloomberg Muni Credit.
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NACo issues News Release on PILT.
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Single-Family Securitized Financing: A Blueprint for the Future?
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WSJ: Pitch for Detroit Bailout Could Include Other Municipal Pensions.
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State Budget Crisis Task Force: Revisit the Tower Amendment.
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Muni Variable-Rate Index Sets Record-Low as Issuance Drops: Bloomberg.
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Muni-Bond Funds Break Redemption Streak.
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NYT: Foundations Aim to Save Pensions in Detroit Crisis.
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Wall Street Muni-Bond Fees Shrink Fourth Straight Year.
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U.S. Local Governments Credit Scenario Builder for iPad available on S&P Ratings App.
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Credit FAQ: Standard & Poor’s Approach To Pension Liabilities In Light Of GASB 67 And 68.
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L.A. Wants Financial Advisors Precluded from California Broker-Dealer Work.
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Distressed Cities and the Lessons of California.
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Cities That Raise the Minimum Wage May Have to Pay Their Workers More.
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NYT: ‘Safe Harbor’ in Bankruptcy Is Upended in Detroit Case.
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NYT: Accounting Roundup: Year in Review—2013.
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Detroit Emergency Manager Calls Swaps “Ticking Time Bomb.”
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4 Public Finance Predictions for 2014.
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Bankrupt Cities, Municipalities List and Map:
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U.S. State OPEB Liabilities Decline Slightly, But Continue To Vary Widely.
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Standard & Poor’s Does Not View Detroit’s Chapter 9 Filing As The Start Of A New Trend.
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Snow: Every Budgeters’ Worst Nightmare.
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Regulators’ Proposal To Exclude Munis From HQLA Status To Dent Demand.
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WSJ: The Hidden Danger in Public Pension Funds.
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Getting Creative on Public Workers’ Health-Care Costs.
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Detroit Bankruptcy Ruling Could Impact San Bernardino Mediation.
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GFOA Updates Municipal Advisor Rule Issue Brief.
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GASB’S New Standards on Financial Reporting for Pension Plans.
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Download GASB Standards & Guidance.
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