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Registration Opens for September 5 Webcast in Focus: Overview of GASB Proposals for Financial Statement Users.
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Internal Auditors Society Annual Conference 2013.
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GFOA Marketplace Fairness Act Resource Center.
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GFOA Annual Meeting Sessions Available on CD.
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SIFMA Releases Mid-Year 2013 Economic Forecast.
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FAF to Conduct Post-Implementation Review of GASB Standard on Impairment of Capital Assets.
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FASB to Propose New Definition of Public Businesses.
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New Pension Numbers for Books, Budgets, and Bonds.
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Registration Opens for Two FASB Webcasts on Insurance Contracts.
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FASB Issues Standard Deferring Some Disclosures for Nonpublic Employee Benefit Plans.
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GASB Issues Proposal Addressing Transition Issue in Pension Standards.
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GFOA Executive Board Approves Best Practice on Actuarial Valuation Reports.
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GASB Issues Implementation Guide for Pension Plans.
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GASB Issues Proposals on Concepts for Measurement of Assets and Liabilities and on the Measurement and Application of Fair Value.
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Internet Seminar on the GFOA’s New Program for Small Governments that Prepare Modified Cash Basis Financial Reports.
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FASB Indefinitely Defers Certain Disclosures for Nonpublic Employee Benefit Plans.
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Non-Issuers and Nonprofits May Be Excluded From FASB’s Private Entity Guidance.
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Financial Accounting Foundation Publishes 2012 Annual Report.
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GFOA Members Voting on Public Policy Statement at 2013 Business Meeting.
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SEC Commissioner Says Accounting Standards Must Be Clear and Effectively Enforced.
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GASB Improves Reporting for Nonexchange Financial Guarantees.
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FASB, IASB Issue Revamped Lease Accounting Proposal.
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Finance Committee Releases Options Paper on Economic and Community Development Incentives.
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GASB Improves Reporting for Nonexchange Financial Guarantees.
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Reuters: As U.S. Municipalities Turn More to Bank Loans, Market Races to Catch Up.
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Register today for GFOA’s 107th Annual Conference, June 2-5, 2013, at Moscone Center North in San Francisco, California.
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U.S. Conference of Mayors: New Report Shows Cost-Saving Tools for City Water Projects.
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Moody’s: Sequestration’s impact on local governments isolated and generally limited.
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GASB White Paper: Why Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Is – And Should Be – Different.
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